
The Writer’s Group

The writer’s group will help you develop your identity as a writer as well as strengthen your motivation and confidence to write. The group will help you break through writing, publishing and self-promotion blocks and will teach you to develop more flow in your writing process. Participation in the group will encourage you to write from a position of health, mindfulness and curiosity while you learn to establish reasonable expectations about the creative process and the publishing world.

Exercises and group discussion help free you from arcane beliefs, myths and practices that inhibit your creative expression and productivity. Through the group you’ll learn to put in perspective the rejection external criticism of your work while learning to quiet the critic inside who won’t give you a chance.

Reconnect with the pleasure you get from your creative work,
Improve your ability to start, follow through, end and publish pieces,
Increase your ability to be compassionate and comforting to yourself,
Strengthen your voice.

All Writers are Welcome to Join: published and unpublished, members of all professions and genres; writers of fiction, non-fiction, journalists, academics, screenwriters, poets, etc.

The Writer’s Group is an ongoing group that meets every other Tuesday night from 8-9:30pm
705 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02141
$40.00 per meeting
For More Information or to Arrange an Admission Interview give us a call at 617.817.4302 (cell) or send an e-mail to indicating your interest. Please put Writer’s Group in the subject line.

Posted on January 19th, 2009 by Marcia  |  No Comments »