Creative Careers

Are You Yearning to Pursue a Creative Career?

Conventional thinking tells us that very few people succeed in careers as artists or writers. We learn, too, that artists and writers can’t make money. Being an artist or writer for some people is synonymous with being broke. This need not be true. As a dedicated artist and writer, you can learn to establish a sensible career path and work your way toward your goals.

Successful Muse offers workshops, groups and counseling to teach you standard career development skills oriented to the needs of artists and writers.

Need a Job & Lifestyle that Supports Your Art?

Even if you don’t want a career as an artist or writer, you still need time to do your creative work. And you need a job and lifestyle that supports your efforts. But does that job have to be menial or meaningless? No.

At Successful Muse you can learn job search skills and develop a plan to find an appealing job that supports your creative work. So you can continue to do the creative work that brings meaning and pleasure to your life.

Check our listings regularly under Workshops to keep apprised of what we offer month to month to help you build your career. Here’s a sample of the areas those workshops will help you with:

Clarify Your Career Direction – explore together what you want to do with your talents and how to meet to your goals. Freelance writing? Great American novel? Show in a Manhattan gallery? Teach? Explore the avenues then…

Find Ways to Develop Your Creative Career – Learn the skills that build creative careers. Hone networking skills. Build a solid resumes. Learn to do good career research. Polish your interviewing skills. Pursue important career contacts. And do it all in a step by step manner to move in the direction you want to go and make your dreams a reality.

Query Letters and Proposals: Learn how to write them. Get feedback. Understand the research you’ll to do to land assignments and book deals.

Artist Statements: Learn to write these in ways that help people understand and relate to you and your work.

Enhance Your Networking Skills: Hone your communication style so you are effective at developing valuable contacts. Learn how to benefit from the contacts you make.

Find Work that Supports your Creative Projects: Just because ya gotta pay the bills doesn’t mean the day job’s got to be onerous. Learn to find something you like.

Contact us at:

The Successful Muse, 705 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02141 617.817.4302 (cell)

Posted on December 30th, 2008 by Marcia  |  No Comments »